Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Today's GrokIt:

Don't think robots will ever take over sports?

It all starts here:

Leave a com ment!



dmacRHS said...

It may not happen in my life but I do believe that robots will be taking over the sports arena as well. And why not? If you look at the price/value equation, team owners could be getting a lot more bang for their buck if they invest in technology to replace their over payed, under performing players. Imagine software engineers tweaking code to help them defeat the opponent they'll be facing this weekend. Then the contest will be about brains and not brawn!


Anonymous said...

It shouldn't be taking over players because it will ruin other peoples jobs

Anonymous said...

Robots are boring

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

imagine not being able to play the sport you love because its ran by robots

Anonymous said...

Robots take away the excitement of reality and expression. They're not entertaining since things are analytical.

Anonymous said...

eventually, they will take our jobs and jus be way more skilled in sports

Anonymous said...

The robots can be entertaining but, we really don't need robots taking over people's jobs or hobbies for sports.

Anonymous said...

they don't move as fast as us and they would need chemitry