Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Today's GrokIt:

Let's teach coding to kindergarteners--what?

What do you think?

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Anonymous said...

Kids can learn how to code in the future sure, but they should let us get the head start first so there's an even playing field

dmacRHS said...

Yes,yes,yes, let's get them coding as early as possible! Would love to see a pathway for coding from elementary through middle, right up into high school. Biggest obstacle is rigid graduation requirements that leave no room for taking coding except in competition with other electives like music and art. My feeling is that in urban districts where the shortsighted high school trophy is on passing mcas, this may never come to be.


Anonymous said...

I think that it's important to have children experience coding before they get to college. Starting as early as kindergarten does not mean we're setting our future students to become the next software engineering phenom, but it will expand their cognitive thinking and problem solving skills in new ways.

Bianca said...

I think it is a good idea for an early age to start coding. As it's a great way for kids to learn to following directions and having a good mindset. It can also get kids thinking into their future. Technology is all around them.