Monday, January 25, 2016


Welcome to another semester of GrokIt!

GrokIt originally appeared 7 years ago. While teaching at RHS, I conceived it as the digital equivalent of the Do Now or activator you may be used to other teachers giving to you to start the class.

Interestingly enough, I believe the blog has taken up a much more important role in my classes.

I envision using GrokIt as a hi-tech portal to get you and your energies focused on the class topics of the day by hyperlinking around the net to:

•discover state-of the-art technologies

•bump into some engaging topic

•just enjoy a fun and interesting website.

My hope is to try to kindle a spark of interest in computers and technology.

After all, the World Wide Web and everything in it was created by software developers, computer programmers, web designers, all kinds of techie people of which you are the next generation.

I also want to create a class community, a public forum from which you could express your opinions and see the opinions of others about these topics.

So here's today's GrokIt.

One of my favorite sites is Wired. Check it out @

Pick one article, read it and leave a comment.



Unknown said...

I believe that having a drone that could land on cars would be helpful. It'll allow packages to be delivered faster no matter what the weather is like.

Unknown said...

Jennifer Lopez

I feel like Vinyl records can be listened to in which ever way you want. Wasting a couple of hundred bucks on something like this is to much for someone who cant afford it. vinyl has an okay sound not the best but its alright. Even with 100 dollar cables or how ever much it costs I feel like the sound won't really have that much of a change. Now for people who have that money feel free, it might be the best choice if you think that just because its expensive it works better or it will improve something for the better? In my case I can just use something less complicated and less expensive.

Unknown said...

the electronic scooter is a useful invention it is small and mobile. you can fold it up and bring it with you wherever you go

Unknown said...

I feel like vinyl records arent worth listening to in the real world because we have future technology to listen to music.

Virginia Ramirez said...

i wouldn't like to ride an electrical scooter instead of a car but I might because cities are full with parking lots and traffic. a scooter would be an easier way to ride around they are light so you can carry it or put it over your shoulder and small enough to fold to store like in a trunk or locker. They’re easy to ride just about anywhere and are affordable.

dmacRHS said...

Welcome to GrokIt, my favorite website. We'll be looking at it a lot during the term.


Unknown said...

every article is helpful and next time i will watch them and analyzed them, they look really full of stuff we can learn.

Kasey :) said...

Hoverboards aren't useful because it can blow up and it makes people lazy more than they are.

Unknown said...

an electrical scooter is very useful in cities where parking is very limited.

Unknown said...

Twitter's stock value is slowly decreasing.