Today's GrokIt:
So you got introduced to Snap. Check out the Snap tutorials:
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Mr. DeMarco
Today's GrokIt:
So you got introduced to Snap. Check out the Snap tutorials:
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Mr. DeMarco
Today's GrokIt:
We're jumping into coding and starting with a new IDE: SNAP
Click on unit 1 and follow along.
Mr. DeMarco
Today's GrokIt:
Try out these puzzles:,%20a%20binary%20puzzle%20game%20that
How about Autodraw?
AutoDrawLeave a comment on Slack!
Mr. DeMarco
Today's GrokIt:
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid...........
A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I’m way up here
It’s crystal clear
That now, I’m in a whole new world with you
Well, I can't show you the world but GeoGeusser can!
Go to OpenGuessr - Let's explore the world!
Sign in with Google.
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Mr. DeMarco
Today's GrokIt:
Since we're in the visual design world, try these activities:
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Mr. DeMarco
Today's GrokIt:
So you're creating icons. What do you need to think about?
Check it out @ 10 Tips for Designing Icons | Domestika
And how about Creating Great Icons: What to Consider When Designing (
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Mr. DeMarco
Today's GrokIt:
What is an icon?
Among many definitions:
a graphic symbol on a computer display screen that represents an app, an object (such as a file), or a function (such as the command to save)
Icons can represent people as well.
Find an example of an icon and post it on Slack
Mr. DeMarco
Today's GrokIt:
Remember the binary system? Representing numbers using only 2 digits? All those 1's and 0's?
Still can't remember how it works? Look it up @
Can you count from 1 to 10 in binary? Try it!
Use the ascii chart @ to convert the phrase "Hello World" into binary.
Check your answer using the binary encoder @
Double check your answer using the binary/ascii converter @
Leave a comment in English and in binary!
WarmUps/activators for dmac's programming and technology students @RHS/SeaCoast HS, Revere, MA.
WarmUps/activators for dmac's programming and technology students @RHS/SeaCoast HS, Revere, MA.